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Kim Noyes

Kim Noyes

Phone: (719) 579-2155

I am honored to be the Principal of Centennial Elementary. I know that the staff, parents, and myself all have the same priority: student achievement for ALL students. I feel blessed to work with the wonderful parents and Centennial community. My passion and goal for Centennial are to assure that each child learns and achieves his/her highest potential. I have high expectations for staff, students, and parents and believe there are no limits to what we can achieve. I am truly dedicated to making Centennial Elementary a place where rigorous teaching and learning take place. We are creating a college-going culture that will ensure our Panthers will not only be ready for college, but will be able to choose the college they want to attend!

I look forward to enhancing our positive climate for learning. I believe that it takes a village to raise children, and people in the village are accountable for learning. As one of our own Centennial parents said, "We do not raise children for ourselves. We raise them for the world."  We must work together to raise the best children that our world has ever seen. Together, we can be heroes for our children and accomplish anything. Know that my door is always open, and I look forward to partnering with all stakeholders to live our mission. Let’s make it a great year!

Achievement NOW,
Mrs. Kim Noyes